Wednesday 29 April 2015

Connecting essay 2

Connecting essay 2:

In the first image a girl is stood in the middle of a forest and looking directly into the camera. In this image the photographer has decided to style the model in a simple look so that there's a lot of the distraction taking away the simplicity of the image. The use of composition has made the image appear to look enchanting and the slight angle in the photo adds some of the photographers own personal touch. In the back the light it appearing through the trees which makes the middle of the image appear brighter and makes the top of the models head standout which immediately draws the attention to her when first looking at the image.

In the second image the model is again positioned in the middle of a forest. In this image the lighting is a lot lighter and the light is not specifically focused on a certain point, the image lacks the use of something focusing the attention onto a certain point. In this image the model is not looking at the camera at all which allows the image to capture a natural pose as it occurs. In this image the frame is wider showing more of the background which makes the image less intense and to appear more relaxed and free.

In both of the images the natural setting makes the models stand out more. In both the composition of the models allows for them to show a full length of what the model looks like. The main difference in the images is the brightness of the images. In the first image the darker setting makes the model stand out more, while in the second image, the lightness means the model blends in more. Also in the first image the light shinning through the trees allows for their to be a more specific light to focus on while this is lacking in the second photo.

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