Wednesday 29 April 2015

Connecting essay 3

Connecting essay 3:

In the image above a rose has been photographed with water droplets on it. The image is photographed close up to clearly show the water on the flower as well as to show the different parts of the flower. The image is photographed against a black background and is in the corner of the frame showing that the composition has been considered here. The black background helps the while flower to stand out more and to make sure that the water droplets are still visible. 

In the image above a white flower is also photographed with water droplets on. In this image the flower is in the middle of the frame and is therefore the first thing that grabs your attention when looking at the image. In this image the flower is photographed in the bush that it was found in and is therefore not the only element in the image. By including the area the flower is found in the image is able to show what the flower looks like in its natural setting.

The main connection between the two images is the white flower with the water droplets on. The white flower in both stands out and is the first thing that is noticed. The differences in these images is that in the first image the background is black meaning the flower is just sitting on a empty background. While in the second image the flower comfortable sits in a background that compliments the rest of the image. Another difference is that in the first image the clear close up of the flower means that the water droplets are completely visible and standout. However in the second image, the water droplets get a little lost again the white flower meaning they are harder to notice.

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