Thursday 30 April 2015

Overall project evaluation

Overall project evaluation:

Now that i have completed my project for photography unit 2, i can say that i have enjoyed the project and defiantly seen a improvement in my photography skills. The topic that i chose for this unit was evidence, i found this topic to hold a lot of freedom and i felt that i could explore many different areas.  I feel that by choosing this topic i have been able to demonstrate a development in my skills.

As the topic began, my initial response was to take the idea of evidence literally, and attempt to photograph actual evidence of things such as human presence and nature. After many chats with Paul i began to think more about the idea of evidence and the routes i could take it. I still included the previous ideas into my work but began to look at them through subjects such as vandalism and street signs. In doing this i photographing literal evidences that could show these thing, i included my knowledge from unit 1 when doing this and often consider the use of colour and tone in many of my photos.

The further i got into the project the more comfortable with the idea i got, and i found myself thinking of more ideas to take my project. One of my favourite things from this project was my shoot in London, i found that during this shoot i could photography many different scenes and buildings and they would fit into my project. I also think that during this topic my use of composition in photography improved. This was evidence in this shoot but also in the studio. Another aspect of evidence i looked at was emotions through studio photography. In this shoot i kept a relaxed setting a aim to show a true representation of as many emotions that was possible. Composition in this shoot became key as i felt i had to get the framing right in the photo to make it really work.

One thing that i think i should have considered more in this project is studio work. While i feel that all of my location shoots were relevant to the topic and do show some improvements to my photography,  i feel that the use of the studio is lacking. I think that if i had thought about it more and chosen to include more studio shoots i could have been able to show some more diversity in my project and would have been able to take a different spin on the idea of evidence.

Overall i am happy with my end result in this project. I feel that my work shows a improvement in my photography skills and editing skills. One thing that i feel has seen a big improvement is my use of composition as i feel i am more considerate about what actually goes into my photo and how it is styled. If i was to take this project further i would of liked to included more studio work to show a improvement in both location and studio shoots. I would also think about my shoots more and aim to be more creative with my ideas for both shoots and edits.

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