Thursday 19 March 2015

Shoot 8 - work diary

Emotions shoot - Work diary:

In today's session i was in the studio and had another attempted at looking at emotions. This time instead of only using on person in my shoot i used multiple, and instead of asking them to show me some fake emotions i kept the shoot simple. While in the studio all i ask the people to do was to look into the lens of the camera and relax, they could portray any emotion that they wanted or felt.I found that this method was successful because i was able to capture true emotions and facial expressions. I also enjoyed this shoot because it was a relaxed environment that i had complete control over and was able to achieve my goal of getting the emotion across. 

These two images are to of my examples of my work from this shoot. They both show a relaxed face, which looks as if their is deeper emotion within the image. I like these pictures as i like how the focus is purely on the face and nothing else in the images is important. I like how the colour is not two strong for the image and does not distract from looking at the facial expressions. I like how in both images the direction of where they are looking at the camera is different but is still able to show how their is a deeper emotion within.

Over the next week i am going to complete the ideas that i had for a home shoot. In lesson time i am going to look at emotions but how they occur naturally in one person. To do this i am going to be in a relaxed setting and have a relaxed conversation with someone and aim to capture different emotions from them as the shoot progresses. 

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