Monday 9 March 2015

Shoot 5 - Work diary

Evidence shoot 5 - Work diary:


In todays session I was looking at road signs and signs you find around town to show how they evidence a rule or something that is around i.e. a place. I enjoyed this session as I felt that I could find a comfortable about of images that supported my idea. While editing these images I decided that I felt some of them looked better in black and white or using selective colour. I will continue to experiment with the use of black and white to see what topics it works best with and to see if I will continue this when thinking about my exam.

Above are images that i feel best example what i was photographing in todays session. It shows that when editing i looked at the images individually and then decided if i felt they would look better in colour or in black and white. In one of the images i decided to create a selective colour by having the image change from being in black and white to being in colour, this is a technique that i could continue to use further on in my project.

Although the two images above are of the same thing, when editing i couldn't decide whether the image looked better in colour or in black and white. This could be come a common obstacle for me in this project and i will have to make a decision.

For the next few sessions i am going to come away from location work and work on some shoots in the studio. I am going to look a the photographers i have researched and begin to some some of their influence in my work. I am also going to do a shoot that photographs different emotions on one person so that i can create a multiple imagery.

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