Monday 23 March 2015

Photographer 4 - Imogen Cunningham

Photographer 4 - Imogen Cunningham:

Imogen Cunningham was an American photographer known for her natural photography. I have chosen to include her as a part of my research because i like her use of tone and texture in her images. Her images of flowers and other parts of nature incorporates a use of contrast to put a emphasis on the form and to make the plants stand out.

In this image the plant is taking up the whole shot, it allows for a clear in depth view of the flower and the parts that make it up. The angle the image is taken from also a clear view of the different petals and how they all stand, this is clear showing a use of form in her images.  The photo also allows the viewer to clearly see what is inside the image and is therefore showing everything that makes it up. 

In this image tone is again being used. I like the angle the photograph was taken in as it is able to show a progression in life, as we can see how the flower develops from one stage in its life to the next. I like this idea as using the formal elements of tone and contrast, a clear change is show without it having to be explained of over developed. 

This image also uses tone, but in a more prominent way. The plant this time is on a empty black background where the clear white plant is placed in front of. The contrast between the two colour also each section to stand out separately yet still complimenting each other. The ay the image is taken allows you to see clearly inside the flower without forgetting the outside.

In this image tone and contrast is used to show a difference in the two flowers. The use of lighting always one flower to stand out more than the other. By doing this you are seeing a different perspective of the same thing. The use of the dark lighting allows for the steam and leaves to almost blend in with the background, yet with some lighting you are still able to see a outline of them.

Cunningham's work is a influence to me, as it has inspired me to incorporate more use of formal elements like tone and contrast. Her work has influenced me by making me see the topic of evidence in a new light and making me think about it in a way that i wouldn't have thought about.

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