Thursday 12 March 2015

Shoot 7 - Work diary

Shoot 6 - Work diary:

In today's session I found that I was stuck for ideas of where to take my work with the topic of evidence. I had found that I had run out of ideas from what I initially thought about the shoot. I went out on a shoot to try and find some inspiration. The images I produced were all showing different evidences as I didn't  have a theme for this shoot. From this shoot I have decided that i would like to make sure that I have a theme for each of my shoots as I find that its a easier way for me to work and for me to be able to show a true evidence.

The image above  would be a evidence of human presence, and these people interacting with each other. This image shows people sat together in a relaxed way. I like this image because there is no real meaning to it and it doesn't look as if it has been set up purely for the photo.

I like the image above, as I have used the word evidence to show an evidence. I have used the literal work to show how common evidence can be. The fact that the word is written on some paper is using the idea that the word evidence can be used to shoe evidence. For this idea, it shows how the evidence itself doesn't always need to be out rightly shown, just the word evidence is proof enough that their is actually some form of evidence.

In my next session I am going to move back to the theme of emotions. I am going to be focussing in the studio again and try to show a persons real emotions and hopefully step away from forced emotions. I am also going to try to show this through some self portraits as its something that I haven't yet tried but think will work well for this topic. I am allow going to work on some shoots at home as I think that for some of my ideas this will make them easier to achieve. I am going to look at fashion and relationships as a starting point.

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