Monday 23 March 2015

Photographer 3 - Amy Spanos

Photographer 3 - Amy Spanos:

Amy Spanos is a British photographer, who incorporates as surreal element into her pictures. Spanos is only 23 years old and produces a variety of pictures from portraites and self portraits to photos for weddings and events. Many of her images include the use of photo montage to help her create the surreal atmosphere. Her work is able to capture a variety of emotions just in the way that she styles her shoots, some she keeps elegant and simple, while others she explore the full extent of her creativity and includes things that people wouldn't think of. 

These images are all self portraits. Spanos has made a inanimate object (the tea cup and pot) look as if it is in control of itself. The background in the image gives a dark and mysterious feel to the image, without making it feel full or creepy. The colours in her work have been left to not stand out as that is not the idea she was going for in this image. The use blurred filter gives emphasis on the person and the cup.

This image also continues the use of photo montage, however in this image the lighting has been used in a different way to create a different atmosphere in the image. This image is something that is a inspiration to me as i the use of lighting as well as the use of photo montage. This is a skill that i will like to develop to add to my project. The way the hands are reaching out to each other gives a more homely feel to the image

This image is some thing else that i would like to incorporate, i like the use of the weather in the photo as i think it helps add to the emotions of the image. i like how she is emphasised by the lightning and it makes her more prominent. The way she is styled with the white scarf  makes her stand out more than anything else in the photo. There the main focus of the image is the lightning bolt and the girl.

This image incorporates the use of photo montage and keeping the lighting simple. The effect allows the image to look calm and relaxed . The fog on the floor gives the image a eerie feel yet the rest of the image stays calm. 

Spanos' work is a influence to me as I have enjoyed looking at her use of photo montage and the different effects that it can have. I would like to learn how to do this effectively and then use it as a part of my project. Spanos will be my main influence for this.

Her work is significant to me because it has inspired me to learn how to do this idea and to include it in my project as I think it will be effective for me. I would like to include this in my project so that i can show some diversity in my skills as well as for me to explore new elements of photoshop. 

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