Friday 20 February 2015

Definition post - Evidence

Definition post - Evidence

Dictionary definition: The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Describing words: showproverevealdisplayindicatewitnessdemonstrateexhibitmanifestsignifydenotetestify

In the image above the idea of evidence is shown through the theme of crime, in this image with the 'crime scene' tap it shows the viewer the evidence that around there is a crime. This idea is taking a image and showing a literal meaning of what the image is showing evidence of. This is one of the simplest ways of showing the evidence as you can clearly see the link. I may use this idea in my project as i think it will be easy for me to clearly show the theme of my project.

In the image above the idea of friendship is being explored. The way it has been explored in this image is by taking the idea literally and writing the idea down. The theme of friendship can also be explore through emotions and actions of people. In this photo the simplicity of the idea allows it to explore the idea freely without it becoming to complicated, it also allows the theme to come across completely true which is something i would like to use in my project as i think that sometimes the best images are the more simple ones.

In the image above the idea of food is being explored, i like this idea as i like that the food has been arranged for this picture. This show evidence of complete control over the image as well as the evidence of colour. In this image the use of colour allows for a fun creative image. The use of healthy food allows for the idea of a healthy lifestyle. The use of a mixture of colours allows for the image to be more attractive and creative image, this inspires me for a multiple image based around different evidences all incorporating the theme of colour.

The image above shows the evidence of a rainy city, it shows the effects of rain. The fact that the city has been blurred shows how the key idea in this was not the city but the window with the rain on. This idea is a good way to show the element that is affecting the scene without showing a clear image. The use of distortion allows for a creative way of showing the effects of an evidence which is something I shall considering using in my project.

Real example: a persons fingerprint.

My definition: evidence is something that can be an object or a sighting which can be used to prove or to back it up.

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