Thursday 19 February 2015

Image bank: Evidence

Image bank: Evidence

Evidence of relationships:
In the two images above and below the idea of romantic relationships is being explored. In these images it is being show through simple touch or affection between two people.  They  use a simple way of exploring a theme that can be so diverse. I think that these images are good inspiration for me as I think it is something I can re-create or use as a influence. I like how in these images you don't need to see the whole person or what they look like, i like the simplicity of the images and how the concept still fits in with relationships. 

In this image the idea of relationships lasting a long time is show. This is shown through the affection of the old couple and how they hold each other in a small embrace. This would explore the evidence of relationships lasting for a long time. This would be a continuation of the theme of romantic relationships if I included it in my project.
In this image the relationship of father daughter is being explored. This is shown through the age difference of the  man and the girl and how they are holding hands. I could also e shown through the way the young girl is looking up at the man in a loving and inspiring way. The way they look like they are walking into a sunset, allows the image to have a positive atmosphere. The use of the shadows to show the people leaves a outline of what they look like without the image becoming personal and showing what they look like, it allows the focus to be on the outline of them and showing the relationship between them and not showing what they look like.
This image is a different way of conveying relationships, this concept is something that someone created to show a relationship that doesn't specify age, gender or class. This idea of showing relationships is unique and fun and is something that is easily re-creatable. This is a simple form of relationships that is not personal.

All the images above are what i believe to be evidence of relationships. I have included examples of romantic relationships, father daughter relationships, and friendships. All of these images are examples of the different varieties that relationships can come in. They evidence how you can see different relationships with no limitations.  These images have all been portrayed as positive relationships as they have been shown in a light and positive background with people expressing a positive attitude. These images show evidence of the different types of relationships, as well as different expressions in the relationship, in my images these are happy emotions, however if i chose to explore this further i could look at all the emotions you can feel in relationships. All these relationships are human relationships however in the future i could look at relationship in a different way, for example the relationship between big and small.

Growth and age:
In the image above and below the idea that is being show is young to old. The image is a comparison between the two ages, evidencing how a persons face changes over time. Using a comparison to show evidence of something changing is effective as it clearly demonstrates what the thing or person looked like, and how it has changed or developed. 

In the two images above and below the idea of plants growing is being shown. In the image below it shows how the plant starts of and in the picture above it shows the plant one it has developed. This is again a good way of showing how living things develop and the end result. If i included this in my project i would have a lot of freedom to create this about almost anything.  It could also be used t show something before and after it has been edited or developed by humans.

The image above are all examples of growth, both human and in plants. Through plants you can see the evolution of the plants from the seeds the to the flower itself. In humans you can see how a person growths and gets bigger over years, you can see the development of a persons features and ideas. In the images i have chosen i have included the difference between a person young and old, as well as a plant growing over time. This idea of evidence can be shown in multiple ways, with the plants i could  photograph the journey of the plant growing up. With the human idea from looking at the image i could focus on the differences in body features like height and wrinkles. The way that the images have been taken they have focused on the actual growth of the person and not looked at the idea of the things around the person changing as they grow up, for example child's books to adults books.

Weather and seasons:
In the two images above and below the idea of showing the different season is used. The way that this is done is by having how the plants look in these seasons and then using the background to show the sky in these seasons. This is a effective method as the image is able to show how both the plants and sky looks in different seasons. This is a good method to use to compare skies and could be used to show the difference between the same scene but in day and night.

In this image, all of the seasons are being evidenced in one picture. This is effective to show how the different elements of the image like the sky, the tree and the grass, all change and look different in different seasons. This is a good idea o use when comparing the same thing and how its effective by things like the sky.
In the two images above and below seasons are being shown separately but in both they have included something that you generally need in that season, in summer you need sunglasses, and i winter you need gloves. This is effective as it shows the different items that are necessary for the different seasons.

In the images above the theme of the seasons is being explored. In the first picture all 2 seasons are being explored in one image by showing the different effects the seasons have on the trees. In the other 2 pictures they are showing separately the different things that occur in each season. The way that this has been portrayed in these images is by showing something that occurs in each season, for example the evidence of winter would be showing the snow falling or footprints in the snow. For my topic i could look at the different ways that the sky or plants look in the different seasons, this would be a good idea for a multiple imagery. I could also look at each season separately and show the evidence of things that people do or wear in each season.


In the image above the emotion in the photo is shown through the use of tone and by keeping the image simple. The model in the image is not looking at the camera which adds to the depth of the image. The person looking at the photo doesn't know what emotion the model in the picture is feeling which adds to the mystery and originality of the image. In the image below the image looks as if it was taken as the person was generally feeling the emotion, instead of being forced or staged for the camera. This is able to give a true representation of emotion as a genuine emotion is being shown, it shows a fun emotion and is relaxed and positive.

In these two images the lack of colour has been used to allow the focus of the image to be at on point. By sticking to the two simple or dull colours the photographer is able to create depth into the image by making the person looking at it wonder why the girl in the photos is smiling. The use of an empty background helps the emotion in the face become the main focus of the image, this is a good thing do do when looking a emotion portraiture, it helps the emotion to come across clear and is something i aim to achieve in my project.

In these two photos the use of tone, and close up allows for a sad emotion to be portrayed. The use of the close up allows the photographer to show the true emotion of the people. The use of tone in these images works in the same way as the images above, but the overall effect is different. In these two images the use of this formal element, allows their to be a deeper meaning to the photos, but also allows for a more serious tone. The mood of the image, is serious and powerful which allows the how image to come across as sad and emotional without revealing what caused this emotion.

In the images above the theme of evidence that's being explored is emotions. Through the use of different lighting settings, contrast, and compositions the photographers have been able to show their audience different human emotions. They are doing this without showing why that person is feeling the emotion, therefore the theme is one evidence of emotions not evidence of why that person is feeling that emotion. This idea is a good influence for me to looks at as no matter where someone is and what is happening people are always feeling an emotion and different people will feel different emotions in these settings. Its a good theme to play around with as i could explore the human emotions as well as look at different things and scene that make people feel these emotions.

Street art and vandalism:

In these images, the theme of vandalism is being shown. It shows it occurring in different places, and how they cover the streets. In the image above the art is in the style of graffiti and is occurring in a tube station. In the image below the vandalism is in a larger area where the person has thought hard about the image that they wanted to create. They show evidence of people expressing themselves through art that they want to be seen.

In these to images, the art is in graffiti style, and is a sign of vandalism. The use of colour is clear throughout making the photos stand out and appealing. Some of the graffiti has been decided to be in black and white which is the choice of the artist, it shows their freedom to have complete control over everything in their piece. These images also show how common graffiti is, in these images the graffiti is covering all the walls with no space left, it shows the scale of the piece and how someone took the time to create it. It clear that with graffiti, to some it holds no meaning while to others the meaning is obvious.

In the image above graffiti is again shown but this time through the use of selective colour. In this photo the wall has been left in colour, while the rest of the surroundings has been turned black and white. By doing this the photographer is able to completely focus on the graffiti wall showing how much it stands out and helps to focus on the bright colours. The fact the rest of the image has been turned black and white helps it to subtlety appear in the image without it being completely forgotten, it shows how the placement of the graffiti is often significant. 

Graffiti and vandalism are an influence for me for my project as its something that shows human presence as well as can be an evidence of human talent. The vandalism helps to evidence what humans can do to things and how their presence can sometimes be damaging to things. The evidence of vandalism and graffiti can be shown by directly photographing it, or by choosing to focus on a certain element and to show how that can be an evidence of a persons expression.

Fashion and beauty:

In these to images style is being shown through clothes and makeup. The photographer has chosen to focus on the model subtlety by making the pose look as relaxed and natural as possible. In the first image the models style is shown through her clothes and her makeup. In the image the first thing that draws your attention is the hat which leads you to look at her makeup and how the whole look works together. In the image below by photographing in a longer frame the photographer is able to capture all of the outfit as well as showing her hair and make up. The model is in a relaxed setting in both of these images but the use of tone is what makes them stand out more. The black and white draws peoples attention to look further into the image an can get a deeper look of what she is wearing and looks like.

In these two images the evidence of beauty is being shown. In the image above the idea of beauty is shown through the model looking through looking at her reflection in the mirror and  doing something to her appearance. The use of the reflection helps to show the model clearly doing something to her appearance and helps to show how people attempt to alter their beauty. In the image below a studio shoot has been used to show beauty and appearance. In the image close up of the persons face allows the person to see clearly what   the model looks like and can clearly see how they choose to present themselves.

In the image above the first thing that draws in attention is the the hat, the hat allows you to focus straight away and then draws your attention to her face and the rest of her appearance. The use of tone allows the image to appear relaxed and simple  yet it clearly allows the appearance of the model to come across clearly. The subtlety of the makeup allows the model to clearly show their experience but not stand out at them same time.

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