Friday 27 February 2015

Shoot 4 - Work diary

Vandalism shoot - Work diary

In today's session I focused on the topic of vandalism, I looked at this by looking at things like graffiti and broken fences. I found that while shooting this topic I could find quite a lot of things to photograph and found that i had enough images to be done with this topic for now. While shooting this topic i found myself getting bored of the images that i was photographing as I found they were quite repetitive and i struggled to find any original ideas for me to focus on. 

I like the image above as i like that you can clearly see that someone has vandalised over this sign. This is a direct evidence that someone has created some vandalism on a sign that has been put in place for people to obey. I think that this idea of vandalism shows how people disagree with signs like this and also use vandalism as an act or rebelling. 

The image above is also a good way of showing evidence however its unclear as to whether the paint has worn off itself or as to whether it has been vandalised, I like this image as i like the fact that you can't tell how the object has been damaged. it still fits in with my topic of damage and vandalism however it looks at it in a different way to most of the images i took.


In todays session i ignored my idea of looking at the more simple vandalism and effects of humans with things like foot prints and rubbish, so this will be something i look at in my next sessions. I am also going to look at signs around streets and roads and where possible show how the are being obeyed or ignored.

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