Thursday 12 February 2015

Shoot 2 - work diary

Evidence shoot - Work diary

Evaluation: In today's session I found myself being a lot more comfortable with the topic that I was focusing on. I went out and to complete another shoot around the topic evidence without giving myself any limitations. While shooting today I went out in a group of people who were also shooting the task of evidence meaning that a lot of our photos were similar or the same. I enjoyed this shoot as I am enjoying finding different pictures that can help me to decide where i want to take my final project.

The images above and below are two of my best images from today's shoot. The image above is evidence of a journey and how people are all going to different places. This is shown though the idea of the different buses that will be taking people to their different locations. The image below is evidence of signs that someone has put in place as a warning to people. Both images are different examples of evidence being used in a different way.

The image above is one of the easiest ways to show evidence in human form, however because of this most of the people that i went out to shoot with had taken the same photo therefore i can't use it in my project.


In the next few session I would like to find an area of evidence that I enjoy to focus my project on. In the next session I would like to move away for people made evidence as I think that for now I have explored the idea enough. I may return back to this theme but in the next session I would like to move on to natural evidence to show a variety of themes in my shoots, as well as to see if this is a theme I would like to pursue.

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