Thursday 19 February 2015

Shoot 3 - work diary

Natural evidence shoot - Work diary

Evaluation: In today's session I was focusing on the topic of natural evidence. I think that in this session I was not taking as many photos as i had usually been, I found that I was struggling for ideas and was not enjoying the subject as much as i had hoped. I had set out to do this topic so that I could explore further the idea of evidence and explore a different aspect. I didn't really enjoy this topic and have decided I don't want to take this theme further.

The photo above is one of my best original ideas of showing evidence. The theme in this image is the different variety's of colours of different bushes. In this image i decided to join the two images together as it is a creative way of showing the two images in one picture. 

I have chosen the image above as i think that its a interesting way of showing evidence. In this image I like the way the way that a form of natural evidence has grown on to something that has been put there by man. This idea of joining the idea of natural and man made evidence has been made a point of interest to me and I will explore this topic further in future sessions.

The image above is an example of peoples height. I decided to show the idea of height by photographing multiple together and show their different heights together, by doing this i am showing hoe different people all naturally stop growing at different heights and it is not possible to control your own height. This idea is also something I can explore further as i could find the different things in people that are natural that they have no control over.

After today's shoot i am going to leave the idea of natural evidence for the moment and move on to a new topic. For the next session I am going to focus on vandalism and the effects of humans. I am going to do this by looking at things like footprints and rubbish as well as simple ways that you can tell that a person has been around or affected somewhere.

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