Friday 27 February 2015

Discussion - evidence

Discussion- Evidence

My initial response to the topic of evidence was to take the idea literally and to show evidence of crimes and other situations. However after researching the topic further I have found that i can take this topic a lot further. My first ideas for this topic was to look at growth and wealth, i thought that this would be good use of the topic evidence as i could look at how these things effect people and life. However i now think that this topic can be used to look into things a lot further. My current idea is to look at humans, how they effect things and how they can effect each other. Over the next few weeks i would like to find a topic that i can focus my project on, that i find interesting and can explore further.

The image above shows evidence of emotions, this idea is a open topic as i could look at multiple different things that cause these emotions as well as the emotions that people feel. I think this idea would be best for a studio shoot and then put into a multiple imagery as i like this would be the best way of looking at the image as you could see multiple emotions in one photo. 

This image has a almost mystical feel to it which i believe could be evidence of joining to worlds together. I could again do this shoot in the studio and manipulate the lighting and then edit onto the image, or i could create the mystical feel while on location where it could possibly be more realistic.

This idea would be to evidence food, i could approach this idea by looking at lifestyle through the idea of food, or i could look at culture. i could show evidence of the different types of meals people eat and show how different cultures differ. I could also look at the fun side and look at baking and i could show how to some people its a hobby where they find enjoyment.

The images above show some of the topics that i am considering to look at. These topics show evidence of food, , emotions and mythical and realistic life joined together. These topics are all completely different and allow me to explore different areas of evidence. 

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